Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Spent this morning at Art Group. Just love this group and the relaxing time I get to spend with them...just painting. Today I tried something new. This paper is called Upo and is so cool. You use watercolor on it but you can wipe off what you don't like, let it dry and work on it some more and still wipe it off. I like being able to get rid of my mistakes so easily. The only problem is that I'm not sure when I have made a mistake....it all looks pretty "beginner" to me. This is my 4th attempt at painting and first on Upo and I am really happy with the outcome. I love this paper cause it makes your painting look more abstract so I don't have to work so hard to be so precise.

I just ran a copy of a picture of this dog off on my printer and copied it in paint. The original was a black and white. I think everyone should try painting on Upo....you would surprise yourself at how great your picture will look. Try it sometime.

Yesterday I spent all day in my studio working on filling canvas art orders. I still have more to do, but here is what I finished up this morning before going to paint. Good thing my phone alarm went off at 5:30 (by accidcent) or I would not have gotten all this done! I really meant it when I say I was busy as a bee.

Had to run 40 minutes away to get more supplies for the rest of my orders..UGH! On the way I got a voicemail from my niece in WA ordering 2 headbands. Now I am out of headbands and need to make more of them!
Meanwhile, Jami and Mike dropped of Sofia for Frank to babysit while they took Hanna bowling. I was home for about a 1/2 hour and was able to get a few pics of her. She is changing so quickly. Now she can roll from her stomach to her back, laughs at everything and tries to talk to us. She just melts my heart!

Hanna popped in for some pics too!
Check out those tattoos. Hope they rub off before her dance recital next week.

I was even able to get a ton of ironing done this afternoon and now we are getting ready to go to a Cinco de Mayo party at the neighbors. Our house smells yummy as I just baked a cake to take to the party. Gosh, I haven't baked a cake in forever. Boy, does it look good. I won't be resisting it tonight! Man, I have NO discipline!!!
Haircut tomorrow...HURRAY!!! And back into the studio for more work.
HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO EVERYONE......I will be sure to drink a margarita in your honor tonight! XOXO

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