Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Oh where, oh where has my energy gone....oh where, oh where can it be?    GEEEEZZZZ.....I just can't seem to get my motor started.  I do have a couple good excuses though.  One being that I have been working a lot and Two being that I spent 2 1/2 days in bed with the stomach flu.  Not good.  It's a lousy way to loose 4 pounds quickly!
I did manage to squeak out one little needle felted chick before I got so busy and sick.
Her hat was a challenge.  Trying to get the brim thin enough to fit on her head was not easy.  But after a lot of needle pokes I managed to get it on her head.
A couple of the other gals at work have joined me on Monday nights at Designer Blvd. (where we work) at 6pm to redo displays until 11pm.  Adding those hours to the rest of my schedule has worn me out.  But here's a few pics of what we have done.
 Next week we will begin to change up all the displays in the Home Decor side of the store.  It's exhausting work but so gratifying. 
Today Hubby and I spent the whole day babysitting our two granddaughters.  What better way to spend a day then in the pool!
Meanwhile, I will be waiting for that motivating creative bug to bite me!


. said...

I don't know what's more cute.. the puppy or the chick!

And... if that's you in that pool picture.. you look exactly like REBA!

Jean :)

vivian said...

poolside with your grandbabies! sounds like the perfect way to spend your day!
Love your needlefelting! youre getting good at it!!
have a great day!

Unknown said...

Looks to me like you are beign creative enough!!!!

Unknown said...

I am mailing you sending you some energy and inspiration via UPS now!! :)
