Thursday, November 12, 2009

YIKES!!!! WHaT wAs I tHInKinG ????

Major excitement this afternoon when I opened
my front door to let some fresh air into the house....
and sitting in front of my door was this box!!

*YAHOOOOOO!!! It's here!

My brand spank'in new
Cannon EOS Rebel!
I am SO excited!!
What was I thinking?? What happened to the
advertisement that said it's so easy to use?
What's with the 1, no 2, no 3 direction disks?
Oh, I think I'm in big trouble. Looks like
I may be looking for a class on how to use
this dang thing. Shucks, and I wanted to take
the following pictures with it.
Oh well, you will have to endure my little compact
point and shoot a little longer while I try to
figure out this new camera.
This is what I worked on today.

Headbands. Since so many women are wearing these
I thought I would jump on the band wagon and
create some .

I have a few more to show you but hope
to have them posted with my new camera.
If anyone has any tips to help me out,
I want to thank all of you who have so kindly left me all the
wonderful, positive comments regarding the boutique I was
just in. So nice to know someone is really reading my blog!
It goes without saying that I adore each and everyone of you
and spend hours of enjoyment following your blogs.
OK, so now I must get in the kitchen
and feed Hubby before he starves to death...
he is gaunt and wants to be gorged!!
Have a great evening.
XOXO Nancy


Winchester Manor said...

Your camera is amazing! I know it seems overwhelming but my oh my what a camera!I know you'll figure it out and can't wait to see photos using your new camera.

Your headbands are super fabuolous!! The colors and embellishments are gorgeous!!!

tiffany jeanne said...

I think you are going to LOVE your camera. I love mine...A LOT. Don't be afraid to just use the auto mode while you're learning on works like a point and shoot but takes better pictures. You'll get the hang of the other modes the more you use it and learn on it.

The headbands are so so so cute. I'm loving seeing all the pix of yours and Bre's stuff! I SO wish I had the time to create like you girls do...when my mom and I come down someday can we craft?? :)
