There is just nothing like a mother's love for her children. It runs down deep to your core. When illness strikes it cuts to your heart.............and that's where I am right now. About a week ago Bre began having vision problems along with soreness behind her eye, nausea and dizzyness. When it didn't go away after a few days she went in to see her Dr. Long story short, she went through several exams, an MRI and three days of IV steriods. She was diagnosed with Optical Neurosis and is now scheduled for another MRI on Wed. to determine if she has Multiple Sclerosis. This is not what a mom wants to hear about her child. Aren't moms suppose to be the fixers. But I can't fix this. And so I turn it over to the Lord and pray for healing and a positive diagnosis. And for peace because it is hard to wait. If you have a moment, will you too say a little prayer of healing for my sweet daughter, Bre.
On a lighter note...............I got to go to the vendor fair at: ArT UnRAvEleD.........a creator's paradise! All this talent in one room was almost more then I could take in. Honestly, the things people can think of to make just blows my mind! I could have spent $1000, but since I didn't have anything close to that in my purse, I went for the next best thing: a Julie Haymaker original "Cherish the one your with". If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting Julie in person, you know what a darling person she is. Full of energy and always a big smile on her face. She had a table full of treasures and it was hard to decide (cause I wanted everything on her table) but after she told me what spurred her to create this piece, I had to have it!
She has been going through a rough two months with the selling of her New Mexico house, the loss of her husband's business and then dealing with his collapse into a seriously deep depression. Her story just sparked my emotions. How much I deeply love and respect my husband. How fortunate we are to be best friends and soul mates. And how blessed we are to be living this incredible retired life in AZ. Of course, I had to have another piece of Beth Quinn's wonderful handmade jewelry. She continues to create these great unique pieces. Again it was difficult to make up my mind. Every necklace, pair of earring and bracelet were so cool. But I am always drawn to black, so this is the treasure I came home with! Tonight we were unexpectidly invited for dinner over to Jami and Mike's house. Oh boy, was I happy. I was tired and the brain wasn't coming up with a good idea for a dinner menu so the timing was perfect. Besides, it's always fun to spend time with our little granddaughters. And dinner was yummy! A nice ending to a stressful day. XOXO Nancy
Oh Nancy I will keep everyone in my prayers. I know the feeling of not being able to fix things for our kids. It was great meeting you and getting to chat. Hope to see you soon again. hugs deb
My daughter also had optic neuritis when she was about 10 years old. She has regained a lot of vision in her eye since the intial onset. I hope your little one will be well soon. Blessings~
I'm a happily married creator living my dream in Gilbert, AZ. I'm at my best when I have my hands in paint, glue, glitter, ribbons, beads, yarn, canvas, etc. I mix in a little shopping, decorating, and playing with family and it all makes up the perfect recipe for a wonderful life! You can contact me at:
Oh Nancy I will keep everyone in my prayers. I know the feeling of not being able to fix things for our kids. It was great meeting you and getting to chat. Hope to see you soon again.
My daughter also had optic neuritis when she was about 10 years old. She has regained a lot of vision in her eye since the intial onset.
I hope your little one will be well soon.
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