Wednesday, August 5, 2009

YoU sAY iT's YOuR biRtHDaY !!!!!

WooWhoooo.....5 years old today!
Happy Birthday to our oldest granddaughter,


Look how she is growing.......

Things we LOVE about our HANNA:
  • how much she likes to cuddle
  • what a great swimmer she is
  • that she is so sweet to her baby sister
  • how smart she is
  • what a good artist she is
  • what a good helper she is
  • that she likes everything pink
  • that she always has hugs and kisses for us
  • that she has Jesus in her heart
  • how much she loves her cousins
  • that we have her as our granddaughter
Papa and I are wishing you a very special day
for a very special granddaughter.
We Love You Tons

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your gorgeous grand daughter!!
Sandy xox